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Social Media Policy

Date Issued: 06.03.2024
Review Date: 06.03.2026


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for members of the BGS Transfusion Committee regarding the appropriate and responsible use of social media platforms in a manner that upholds the integrity, reputation, and confidentiality of the committee and its activities.


This policy applies to all members of the BGS Transfusion Committee, including committee chairs, members, and invited experts.

1. General Guidelines

  • Professional Conduct: Members should conduct themselves on social media platforms in a professional and respectful manner, adhering to the highest ethical standards.

  • Confidentiality: Members must not disclose confidential or proprietary committee information on social media. This includes discussions, documents, or any other sensitive information related to committee activities.

  • Endorsement: Members should make it clear that their views expressed on social media are their own and do not necessarily represent the official position of the BGS Transfusion Committee.

  • Respect: Members should be respectful of the opinions and views of others on social media, especially when discussing topics related to transfusion medicine.

  • Transparency: If a member is disclosing their affiliation with the BGS Transfusion Committee on social media, it should be made clear that they are speaking in an individual capacity unless explicitly authorized by the committee to speak on its behalf.
  • 2. Specific Platforms

  • Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Other Public Platforms: Members should be cautious when discussing committee matters on public platforms and avoid sharing sensitive information. It is recommended to use private communication channels for committee-related discussions.

  • LinkedIn: When mentioning committee membership on LinkedIn, members should clearly state that their views are personal and not the official position of the committee.

  • WhatsApp or Other Private Messaging Apps: Members are encouraged to use secure, encrypted messaging apps for committee-related discussions to ensure the confidentiality of information.
  • 3. Consequences of Violation

    Violation of this social media policy may result in a review of committee membership status, including possible removal from the committee. Additionally, any legal consequences resulting from the violation of confidentiality or proprietary information may be pursued.

    4. Reference of BGS Transfusion in Social Media Account Posts or on BGS Transfusion Social Media Sites

    The BGS Transfusion Committee reserve the right to remove posts and those who post from social media accounts without notice or reason.

    5. Review and Updates

    This policy will be reviewed regularly and updated as needed to reflect changes in social media platforms or emerging best practices

    By following this policy, members of the BGS Transfusion Committee can contribute to a positive online presence while safeguarding the interests and reputation of the committee.